Our Expertise in Marketing YOUR Local Business

We have Expertise in Marketing for these small local businesses.

Dental Offices


We provide complete marketing services for dental offices across the United States. We achieve Pay Per Click Marketing conversion rates at ~ 9%. We have the expertise and the data from our previous clients to help you pay the lowest  cost per click.

Currently, we offer A-LA-CARTE marketing for dentists, we will be adding specific marketing plans for Dental offices in the near future.

eWaste Recycling Firms


With proven results with Pay Per Click campaigns with eWaste Recycling firms, we can help your business grow at a fast pace. We achieve Pay Per Click conversion rates at ~ 11%. We have the expertise and the data from our previous clients to help you pay the lowest .

We offer A-LA-CARTE marketing for eWaste recycling & Liquidating firms, we will be adding specific marketing plans for green energy businesses in the near future.

Other Businesses


We are accepting NEW local clients for other industries. Our experience in various industries helps us develop a successful marketing strategy for other types is businesses. We are able to use most techniques used in these industries we have expertise in and apply them to new ones.

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